Friday, April 22, 2011

Good, iffy, very good.

What does that seemingly random order of words have to do?

Why, that's my lesson tonight!

I had a lesson with Noodle and the like teehee. I did half of my flatwork in the super crowded with small children having lessons indoor and half outside. Sasha was very soft and responsive. It made me happy lol. I started jumping, and she was pretty good. When we were hopping over  single crossrail/verticals/walls/etc. she was good. We did a line, and the first time through she was nice and quiet. Then Sasha got stronger and stronger. At one point, I went to a single because she was getting quick and I halted her. I walked until a few strides away from the jump and softened my reins a tad. Usually, she'll ease into a trot and lightly pop over the jump, and then canter away calmly. Nope, she took one giant canter stride before the jump, leapt over it, and galloped off and didn't stop for a while. Did I mention the arena has no corners to stop her in? The whole thing is gently rounded grr. >.<

So, I got mean. My riding instructor and I both agreed she needed her elevator bit on. I hopped off, took her to her stall, tied her up outside it [the crossties were taken] and put that nice, lovely, large bit on. She usually goes in a full-cheek double-jointed snaffle, and I put her in that when possible. However, if she's not listening to that, it's time for her to get a little lesson.

After that, she was so so so obedient. I felt almost like I was cheating she was so simple haha. Ah well. I'll ride her in it for my next few lessons outside, but she'll be hacked in her snaffle so she doesn't get dull to it.

Oh, before I forget haha, I didn't attach one of the reins properly, so I jumped, pulled her up, and the rein came off! It was my inside rein, so I just pulled her into the fence, hopped off and fixed it. Chiara fell off because Noodle got quick, she got ahead of the motion, and he stopped. Don't jump ahead children!

I'll hopefully see some of you guys at the local May 1 show. Hopefully it'll be bigger than the first show lol! I'll be [most likely] moving up to Children's Eq.

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