Thursday, January 19, 2012

6 days down, 15 to go.

Yes, that is the count until I can ride Sasha! =)

I visited her Monday night, and gosh, she was so cute! I got there, and she saw me and came up to the front of her stall, ears pricked, very happy to see me. I turned her out in the indoor. At my old barn, she would always pull back, rear, and go crazy when I went to turn her out, so I would have to lead her out of the arena, walk her in circles, etc., until she was calm when I went to take her halter off. This time, I reached up to take her halter off, unbuckled it with no reaction, and she stood for a second and then loped off.

She rolled , cantered around the arena once, and then came up to me. I started jogging, and she trotted after me. I stopped, she stopped dead. No lead rope, halter, nothing. She's so cute <3

Anyways, I lessoned on this appaloosa pony last night at my old barn. She was very good. She was a little resistant to my aids at first, but by the end, she was rounding up, going on the bit, and responding to a twitch of my finger or a light nudge with my leg. She is such a good girl. I only did a tiny little in and out, the last jump was only 2'3", 2'6". She was so good, super honest!

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