Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sorry I've been bad.

I know, I was bad AGAIN. >.< I'll try to make it not happen again [o.O]

Anyways: Friday's lesson was meh. Sasha got a little strong jumping, but I halted her a few times after the jump and that smoothed things out. Saturday's lesson [my Sunday lesson was moved to Saturday morning - horse show season.! My RI is teaching at shows on Sunday now.] went supercompletelyfabulouslyAWESOME.! I got Sasha going the best I ever have!

She was lunged for about 15 minutes and then I got on. I worked a lot on the flat - spirals, circles, the works! Sasha was very quiet and responsive, and I worked her on a loose rein. My RI wants me to do that to encourage her to stretch down, extend and relax so we can collect her later and get her on the bit. Baby steps. Anyways, the jumping went well. Sasha and I need to work on her flying changes a little - she was getting sloppy/I wasn't collecting her enough so she was getting lazy with her hind end. Uh-oh! That needs to go! =] I spiraled in after the jump, but Sasha barely needed it - she was nice and quiet to begin with! It was an exercise.

I have this week [and next week.!] off from school. I don't have Feb./April break though. I clipped Sasha's legs, whiskers, ears, and bridle path. I expected her to flip or spaz because it's Sasha and she is usually a spaz haha....she was really good! I did it over two days because she was touchy with her ears so I worked on desensitizing her. No ear plugs or anything, my mom and I were just like "let's try and clip her ears!" The clippers are really really quiet though - you can barely hear them over the birds tweeting and the horses trotting in the arena, etc.

I also have ridden Sasha bareback three times. I gathered up my courage Sunday night to cool out bareback, cooled out with a short trot session bareback Monday, and cooled out/more trot sessions yesterday. =D =D =D I was so happy!

It was chaotic in the arena yesterday, and Sash was very "up" especially at the canter, but I am a lot more confident than I was. I just sat up, half-halted, and continued on our merry way!

My dad may be looking at a 2002 Eclipse trailer on the way back from a business meeting, and if all goes well, it will be at my barn Friday night!

Well, those are the major events. Off to eat a bowl of ice cream and then ride!

Heart <3 you, Cruce

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