So what's up?
I'm showing tomorrow! First "away" show!!!
I have had a superhectic week. I had a track meet Wednesday for school, then a lesson, and it was superhot and I changed from my track clothes while dripping in sweat to my breeches, so I was sticky the whole lesson and ugh. Sasha was meh. I did most of the lesson inside and then did a few jumps outside. She was pretty good. My new hobby is to ride bareback + a halter to cool out and then go graze while on her back. It's really fun lol. Anyways, I've been riding a lot this week and with finals coming up for school it's been insane, along with friend, boy, and school drama...yeah.
The outdoor had some big puddles when I rode in it yesterday, so that was...ahem, fun. At one point, Sasha and I were trotting along, and I figured we could just go through the puddle while we were circling. Nope. She stopped dead at it, and it took a lot of convincing to get her through. Next time around, she quickened as I turned her so I just supported it thinking "Yay! She'll just march right through!" Of course not, that would be, like, reasonable =P. Sasha leapt over the puddle and cantered away. Fml.
I got to the barn bright and early to let Sasha run around the indoor. She had a little run around, and then I turned her out for a couple hours while I cleaned stalls and packed all my show gear. I then lunged her for a while [I was told to make her tired] and then I packed all my gear, wrapped her, and off we should have gone, right?
The people we were originally trailering with had a step-up trailer, and no amount of convincing would get Sasha to jump up. Half an hour and a very stressed Sasha later, we decided to use another person's ramp trailer. Ten minutes and a bumped nose with a patch of missing hair and rope burned hands later, she was on. I got a ride with a person whose horse was trailering with Sasha to the barn where the show is. It's my old barn, it was awkward!
Here's where my already stressful day gets worse.
I went to unload Sasha, who broke a light sweat but otherwise seemed fine. I went to unload her, and she backs down fine at first. All of a sudden, I think she realized SHE WAS FREEEEE! and she launched herself backward. Her head flew up and SMACK! hit the edge of the trailer ceiling quick hard. She was shaking her head a pulling funny faces for a few seconds, so I calmed her down and she seemed fine.
I had a two o' clock lesson, and I was supposed to be at the place just before one. It was now 1:30 thanks to horses that don't load. We need to buy a trailer so badly, we've been looking without luck.
I get her saddle on, and then as I'm putting the bridle on, a chunk of forelock falls out. I went "Oh no! Your beautiful forelock, I hope you can't see the damage!" I figured she had just rubbed some forelock out as she hit her head. I inspect her forelock, and as I was about to be satisfied that her forelock was still gorgeously thick, I see red. I look again, and I see an inch, inch and a half long gash that is completely split open. I got really scared and upset and feeling that it's all my fault and I bring her out. My mom [a veterinarian] shows up at that point and inspects it and reassures me that it's no big deal, and she puts some ointment on it.
I then go have my lesson. Sasha was so so good! She got a little quick a few times, but it wasn't terrible. Towards the end, she a] started getting attacked by flies and b] her cut started irritating her because I guess the swelling spread and the bridle was pressuring it. The moment we figured it was starting to interfere, I got off. We managed to get some basic coursework done. I just found out I'm doing the 2' this show again. >.< It's because apparently last show didn't really count as a show because no one showed up so I get to do it stuff.
I was told by my instructor Sasha cannot leave the show tomorrow until we have a head bumper. Of course, none of the tack shops in the area had them when we went today, so we'll have to go out to one in Saratoga. Crap.
I spent forever prepping Sash and my tack. We decided to stitch up Sasha's gash. My mom did it. She was sedated, antibioticed, anestheticed, everythinged. She was good, and woke up after a little bit, got walked around, ate some hay, etc. At this point it's past 8, I've been at barns for twelve hours straight, I'm dying. I'm brushing Sasha, and then my bff's guy she's been talking with calls -- from her phone, obviously. >.< He just randomly starts talking to me, so I told him to stfu and I hung up on him. It made my day. I then had to go back to my home barn, pack Sasha's breakfast grain, and go home to clean my boots and shower.
I need to sleep now, ciao! <3