Sorry for not posting in forever! It was the end of the trimester this week [yep, I had school. T.T] so I was crazy busy!
My lesson last Sunday went decently. There was some killer no stirrup flatwork. Fun. I think I bruised the inside of my thigh from stretching it down to where my stirrup leathers bulge....erghh. I worked on a little gymnastic/triple. Sash was GREAT through it, but she was a little quick after. I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY after about two months of owning her, got pissed at her and pully-reined circled. Not the really tight circle, but when they are galloping and not wanting to slow down or circle, so you pull up the inside rein somewhat hard so they turn? Yeah, that. It worked AMAZINGLY! Sasha instantly quieted down, dropped her head, and cantered at the same pace we got during flatwork [aka quiet but with impulsion.] Oh, and I rode her sans martingale! Yay!
Today's ride was meh. Sasha was dancing around a bit when I tried to get on, but she was [mostly] good once I was on. She was nice and relaxed while we were trotting, but the cantering was a slight disaster. We picked up the canter, and all she would do was shake her head and barely go forward. Yeah....we didn't canter for long. The moment I got a half-decent few canter strides I let her walk. After that, she was tense. The vet said at the PPE that she had a SLIGHTLY sore back, but it only was obvious from pushing on it and supplements would fix it. Well, her back had been fine, but it seemed a little sensitive after my ride when I pushed on it. My mom gave her some Banamine [Sasha pulled some HILARIOUS faces! I felt so bad; we had smeared it on a treat and given it to her, and then she wouldn't eat anything but her favorite treat she was so suspicious of treats. =/ Even her favorite got a suspicious sniffing.] so hopefully that will help. I'll see how her back is tomorrow, which will determine if I have a lesson. =/ The cold weather has been making all the horses' joints/muscles wonky. Hmm.
On another note, I have to go to Canada for three [gasp!] whole days for a field trip! Do you think I can smuggle the poneh on the bus? I'm sure I can squeeze her into a suitcase. =P
Oh! I almost forgot! Ernest Dillon is coming and giving a clinic at my barn in May. Should be fun! I've heard he can be tough, but if he wasn't, I think I would feel it was a waste of money. If I'm going to do a clinic, I better learn something from it, right?! I'm already freaking out with excitement/nerves. I'm going to be wreck for a few weeks before I bet haha. I will probably clean all my tack about five times the night before.
Cruce out. <3